Go Green 2012.

Happy new Year 2012. Lets Go Green!!

This year, let make a pledge to go green. What does it mean?

Going green refers to the adoption of earth-friendly practices that center on conservation efforts, finding alternative fuel sources, using natural resources wisely and, in general, making ecologically responsible decisions. The concept of going green evolves as we gain a better understanding of the impact of our habits and lifestyles on the environment.


Going green means “pursuing knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles,”. Adopting a green lifestyle is not simply an effort to take better care of the earth for the earth’s sake, but it serves to protect our health and to “sustain natural resources for current and future generations,”.

Several practices are synonymous with going green, including switching to renewable resources, reducing our carbon footprint and embracing sustainability. To better understand going green, you need to understand the “going green” lingo.

Renewable Resources

Renewable resources refer to energy sources such as wind, solar power and hydro power that are continuously replenished. Currently, fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas “provide more than 85 percent of all the energy consumed worldwide. Even though efforts are underway to produce cleaner, more efficient fossil fuels, the green initiative toward renewable energy holds more promise for reducing pollution and conserving natural resources.

Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint refers to “the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide,”. Gases that produce the greenhouse effect include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which are released as a result of burning fossil fuel. Carbon dioxide occurs naturally at a rate of approximately 0.1 billion tons a year, but industrial activity and forest destruction increases carbon levels to 10 billion tons yearly.


The concept of sustainability, like the idea of going green, is too complex to reduce to a single definition. Go Green initiative suggests that sustainability practices ensure “that our children and grandchildren inherit a tomorrow that is at least as good as today, preferably better.” Sustainable living means using only what you need, taking care of the land, using reusable products and reducing waste. Any action you take to conserve resources in an earth-friendly manner could be considered sustainable.


Going green is an individual initiative and a global initiative. You can make small adjustments in your lifestyle that will reduce your carbon footprint, which consequently contributes to the global initiative. You can also participate in large-scale shifts toward greener living by staying abreast of environmental issues that affect your family now and in the future. Each time you make a conscious decision to conserve natural resources, you take another step toward green living.

The Environmental Protection Agency offers tips for going green on its website. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/152375-define-going-green/#ixzz1jFjuHx5g

Source: Science Daily, Go Green Virginia and Arkansas.Gov

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